The top three-star rating was given to building health and environment-friendly real estate, reducing risk of communicable and non-communicable diseases, illnesses and deaths among global population, while opening areas for creative health learning process
13 June 2024 – Dr. Pongthep Wongwatcharapaiboon, Chief Executive Officer of Thai Health Promotion Foundation, said Fitwel, the world’s leading certification system committed to building health for all, announced ThaiHealth as one of the winners of the 2024 Best in Building Health Awards.
ThaiHealth was rated the highest in the Single-Tenant Building category by the Center for Active Design (CfAD) regarded as the licensed operator of Fitwel. This prestigious annual recognition honors the most innovative real estate companies and individuals setting the standard for health and wellbeing in the built environment across the globe, enhancing quality of life and driving value through design and operational excellence. The award also relates to ThaiHealth’s vision “All people living in Thailand have capability and live in society and environment conducive to good health.”
“This award has reflected the importance of our three priorities of “empower, innovate and communicate” health promotion in every dimension, promote and develop knowledge extension in every aspect for example green building, energy-saving building, and universal design for the elderly and people of all ages. Fitwel was originally created by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention and U.S. General Services Administration. CfAD is selected as the licensed operator of Fitwel, and in charge of rating and certifying buildings that give priority to environment and good health, enabling users to avoid both communicable and non-communicable diseases which are the cause of illnesses and deaths of global population,” ThaiHealth CEO said.
ThaiHealth CEO said ThaiHealth office or ThaiHealth Learning Center is a model public space which promotes and encourages creative health learning process. ThaiHealth Learning Center comprises creative space connected by open-air common area, wisdom creation, and collective health information. Visitors can walk through different zones, to mingle and network. Health hermitage is a peaceful area for developing mental and spiritual health and wisdom. Garden rooftop is also available for more learning space and oxygen in the air while reducing heat in the building. ThaiHealth exhibition is also a space where visitors can play a role as “health detective” to investigate in seven missing cases, leading to goal setting, inspiration and behavioral change. Free admission. The learning space is open Mondays-Saturdays 0900-1700hrs. More information, call 02-232-1500.