IR Highlight

IR Highlight

PMAC2025: ThaiHealth Unite with Partners to Promote “Spiritual Health” for a Holistically Healthy Society The Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) was established with the vision that everyone in Thailand shall have lifestyles, society, and environment which foster well-being across four dimensions: physical, mental, social, and spiritual. According to the National Health Act B.E.2550 (2007), “health” is clearly defined as a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being, which are interconnected holistically and in balance. This underscores that cultivating strong minds and recognizing the value of life are crucial to achieving a “good life.” Recently, in collaboration with the Knowledge Center and Coordination on Spiritual Health, Mahidol University, and seven other organizations—including the International Health Policy Foundation (IHPF), JitArsa Bank, IDG Oneness Thailand, the School of Public Policy at Chiang Mai University, the Contemplative Education Center of Mahidol University, the Faculty of Learning Sciences and Education at Thammasat University, and the Sathirakoses-Nagapradipa Foundation—ThaiHealth, through its Media System and Spiritual Well-health Promotion Section, hosted a side meeting titled “Complete Well-being in the Age of AI: The Crucial Role of Spiritual Health and Practical Strategies.” This event was part of the Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) 2025 at Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld, Bangkok. Dr. Pongthep Wongwatcharapaiboon, M.D., CEO of Thai Health Promotion, noted that with AI’s growing...
11 Feb 68
“Well-being spans multiple dimensions, with health at its core. At ThaiHealth, we work hand-in-hand with our partners to promote health for all. Our commitment is to ensure that no one is forgotten or left behind as we strive to reduce health disparities and inequities.” Dr Prakasit Kayasith, Senior Assistant CEO and Acting Director of Partnership and International Relations Section, Thai Health Promotion Foundation Source: Show, Share, Connect Platform: Episode “Phuket – Island of Well-being for the Future… Together, We Can,” January 15-16, 2025.
30 Jan 68
ThaiHealth and Multi-sectoral Partners Explore Spiritual Health in AI Era through the PMAC Side Meeting, Highlighting its Roles and Strategies in Advancing Global Health On January 28, 2025, at Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth), led by Healthy Media System and Spiritual Health Promotion Section (Section 11) Partnership and International Relations Section in collaboration with multi-sectoral partners the International Health Policy Foundation, the Knowledge Center and Coordination on Spiritual Health, JitArsa Bank, IDG Oneness Thailand, the Sathirakoses-Nagapradipa Foundation, the Contemplative Education Center, Mahidol University, the Faculty of Learning Sciences and Education at Thammasat University, and the School of Public Policy at Chiang Mai University hosted the Side Meeting of the Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) titled “Complete Well-being in the Age of AI: The Crucial Role of Spiritual Health and Practical Strategies.” In this event, experts in global health and spiritual health worldwide were brought together and empowered to share their insights into integrating spiritual health to advance global health. Dr. Pongthep Wongwatcharapaiboon, CEO of ThaiHealth, He emphasized in his opening remarks that the inner dimension of humanity—including the mind, thoughts, emotions, and spirit—plays a vital role in achieving sustainable and holistic well-being. The significance of spiritual health has increasingly captured the attention of various stakeholders in the health sector. Notably,...
30 Jan 68
On the morning of 28 January 2025, ThaiHealth along with the National Health Security Office (NHSO), Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI), and Wee Health Development Foundation convened the PMAC 2025 Side Meeting on “Leveraging Technological Innovation for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Insights from Asia-Pacific,” at the Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World Dr. Jadej Thammatacharee, Secretary-General of NHSO and Ms.Saima Wazed, Regional Director for WHO-SEARO gave the opening remarks focusing on the importance of technological innovations for promoting health and well-being. Mr.Rungsun Munkong, International Relations Expert, ThaiHealth, moderated the panel discussion showcasing large-scale technological initiatives from 4 Asia-Pacific countries, including China, Singapore, Japan, and Thailand, including: Dr Alex Cook from the University of Singapore (NUS) presented the case of National Steps Challenge (NSC), which is overseen by the Health Promotion Board (HPB). The success of NSC demonstrated how wearable devices, and mobile technology can promote personalized health for thousands of Singaporeans, utilizing gamification and incentives in the power of technology in driving community health engagement. Dr.Thanasak Thumbuntu, from NHSO Thailand presented digital solutions, namely the Health Wallet and Health Station to enhance primary healthcare, health promotion, and disease prevention services for millions of people in Thailand. Dr.Tomoko Kodama Kawashimaf from the National Institute of Public Health, Japan, presented the Kayoi-no-ba platform, the digital tool aimed at...
29 Jan 68
World population day is a global event celebrated on 11th July which aims at creating awareness about the urgent population related issues and their influence on health and well-being. This day emphasizes the need for considering health determinants and sustainable practices in order to guarantee a healthier future for all. Thai Health Promotion Foundation: Advocacy for Population-Based Health Promotion Our vision at Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) is that all people living in Thailand have the ability and opportunity to live in a society and environment that promotes good health. Established in 2001, ThaiHealth has been leading the way in health promotion through innovative approaches aimed at improving health outcomes and fostering a healthier society. Our Mission and Principles With the small annual budget that accounts only 1.8% of national health expense, ThaiHealth is guided by the principle of “population-based health promotion,” to focus on two main objectives: Encouraging individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles. Building an environment that supports and enhances well-being. Encouraging Healthier Lifestyles ThaiHealth employs a multi-faceted approach to encourage healthier lifestyles among the population. Our initiatives are aimed at reducing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and promoting mental and physical health through various programs and campaigns. For instance, our efforts in tobacco and alcohol control have significantly reduced smoking rates and alcohol consumption in Thailand ....
08 Jul 67
June is a month when the world turns their attention to Pride Month, the month of LGBTQ+ pride.. Thailand is no exception, showing a growing interest, being active in this regard, and embracing gender diversity. As a health promotion organization, ThaiHealth has joined forces with its networks to drive and advocate for reducing inequality among vulnerable groups and promoting equal health rights for the LGBTQ+ community. The year 2024 holds special significance for the LGBTQ+ community since it marks the 55th anniversary of Stonewall Riots, which took place on June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. These riots were sparked by police discrimination, escalating into resistance and violence. This incident ignited the global movement for LGBTQ+ rights and equality. In Thailand, the LGBTQ+ community has been actively advocating for the equal marriage bill this year. On June 18, 2024, the bill was finally passed by the Senate, following 12 years of sustained effort. Currently, 38 countries worldwide have legalized same-sex marriage, with Thailand being the first in ASEAN and the third in Asia to enact such legislation, following Taiwan and Nepal. Additionally, various organizations in Thailand, government agencies, private sectors, and civil societies, have hosted Pride Month celebrations nationwide. Thailand’s celebrations of Pride Month began in 2006 with the Bangkok Pride Parade and have been held...
27 Jun 67
Management and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is receiving a significant attention, because they are the leading causes of mortality worldwide. and in Thailand. In fact, eight out of the ten burden of diseases in Thailand are linked to risk factors for NCDs, such as smoking, high blood sugar levels, high body mass index, high blood pressure, and alcohol consumption. These risk factors are incorporated into ThaiHealth’s health promotion plans under the concept of “prevention is better than cure,” aiming to reduce the number of people getting sick as well as improving public well-being. ThaiHealth: A Leading Health Promotion Organization Achieving WHO Best Buy Standards… ThaiHealth is a government agency established under the Health Promotion Foundation Act B.E. 2544 (2001). Its objectives encompass promoting health in accordance with national health policies, enhancing the capacity of communities and organization across various sectors, supporting health promotion research and knowledge, and raising public awareness about the risks factors of NCDs, such as alcohol and tobacco consumption. ThaiHealth has supported academic efforts, social mobilization and policy advocacy to manage the risk factors of NCDs. This has contributed to a fall in the adult smoking rate from 25.5% in 2001 to 17.4% in 2021 and the adult alcohol consumption rate from 32.7% in 2004 to 28.0% in 2021. The rate of adequate physical activity rose...
25 Jun 67
ThaiHealth moves forward at full force to implement the 10-year health promotion plan for Thai people’s well-being The Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) has advanced the 10-year health promotion plan (2022-2031) to address future health challenges, including the impacts of COVID-19, digital disruption, and entering an aging society. It places emphasis on 8 proactive strategies to promote and improve the health of Thai people. The entire world must face various health challenges in the future, including the impacts of COVID-19, digital disruption, and entering an aging society. These challenges may evolve into changes in population structure, digital technology advancements, and adaptation to climate change. All of these have posed challenges for the healthcare sector in every country, necessitating preparedness and planning to promote and enhance population health and well-being in the future. Thailand, facing the same problem as the rest of the world, needs to prepare and equip Thai people to be aware of health issues. To achieve that, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) has established a 10-year direction and goal (2022-2031) to move forward the implementation of the health promotion plan in all sectors in order to prepare for potential challenges, including the impacts of COVID-19, digital disruption, and entering an aging society. This is based on the vision that 8 proactive strategies...
08 May 67
Songkran Festival, or the Thai New Year, is an important period in Thai tradition where people travel back home to visit their families or go on vacations. This contributes to heavy traffic congestion on the roads, which can potentially result in accidents if drivers are careless. During this long holiday, it is crucial to emphasize driving practices, reduction of risk behaviors for road accidents, such as speeding or not using safety equipment, and enhancement of the environment to ensure road safety for drivers and pedestrians. In addition, what needs to be stressed is drunk driving. It is undeniable that alcoholic beverages are a major health risk factor, being one of the leading causes of death among the Thai population and worldwide, especially during the Songkran festival. According to the information regarding injuries and fatalities during the Songkran festival in 2022 reported by the Ministry of Public Health, there were a total of 4,340 cases of drunk driving, with 502 of them aged under 20 years. The majority of accidents, accounting for 53 percent, involved drunk driving and losing control, and the accidents were predominant on secondary roads rather than main roads. Additionally, most of the vehicles involved in road accidents were motorcycles. Essentially, this can result in accidents and potential losses. The Mission “Prevention before Cure” Promotes Public Health: Don’t...
08 May 67
As the World Changes Every Minute.. In the era of digital disruption where technology and social media are increasingly reshaping people’s lifestyles and work practices in the old world almost entirely, everything has become increasingly complex and challenges constantly arise. We are well aware that in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, everything has changed drastically. Work lifestyles in this new era have completely transformed, and simultaneously complex health issues and limitations in various facets of life have emerged. These pose challenges to work in the present era. The key to working in every organization striving to address complex issues to achieve favorable outcomes resonating with the current global context and leading to the intended goals lies in “leaders”. This poses a question about what vision and skills the leaders of the BANI World era, filled with various challenges, should possess in order to lead the organizations towards success. Let’s explore them through the perspective of the Manager of the Health Promotion Support Fund (ThaiHealth) and the Director of the Partnership and International Relations Section (PIRS). Working with Happiness: The Key to Being a Leader in the New Era… Dr. Pongthep Wongwatcharapaiboon, the Manager of the Health Promotion Support...
22 Apr 67