Oct 23-24, 2019 – Prince Mahidol Award Foundation, in collaboration with Chatham House, will organise the first Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2021 (PMAC 2021) Preparatory Meeting in London, United Kingdom, with an objective of discussing with the organising committee about the details of each sub-meeting, and finding a consistent agreement to reduce the risk of problems – all to find a conclusion on academic issues, time allocation, and key themes of the PMAC 2021 meeting to report directly to ThaiHealth executives. Participating in the preparatory meeting were Dr Supreeda Adulyanont, ThaiHealth Manager, and Ms Milin Sakornsindhu, Senior International Affair Executive. Apart from discussing the preparation phase of the international meeting, they also presented before the gathering the model, mechanism, and methodology of health promotion in Thailand, ThaiHealth-style. The ThaiHealth’s fashion of health promotion in Thailand is regarded as an internationally acclaimed model for health promotion. The Thai speakers also conveyed success stories of the ThaiHealth coalition in Thailand’s health promotion network, especially in the role of being a model for health promotion organisations all over the world that was set up in liaison with National Health Security Office, with holistic health care system, prevention, and treatment. As a result, the proceeds of the meeting are: ThaiHealth has been appointed co-leader for the organising of...
06 Jan 63
Nov 21-22, 2019 – ThaiHealth executives led by Dr Supreeda Adulyanont, ThaiHealth Manager; Dr Phairot Saonuam, Director of the Office of Healthy Lifestyle Promotion; and Dr Natthaphan Suphaka, Director of the International Affairs Division, participated in the 51th APACPH Conference on “SDGs in Reality” held at Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok. The 51st APACPH was co-hosted by Public Health Faculty of Mahidol University, and ThaiHealth, and is supported by several international organisations, with more than 600 participants from 20 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. ThaiHealth Manager attended the opening and lecture on the Plenary Forum titled “SDGs and Public Health: At Present” on health promotion as it is a linkage and a support factor of well-beingness and sustainable development agenda. He said the health promotion projects have been proven effective in resolving factors that determine social, economic, and environmental health. Dr Patama Thianwisitsakun, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Economic and Social Development Board, said that Thailand still has a significant gap in achieving SDGs in health dimensions, such as the challenge of quality, equality in the health service system, the problem of poverty in the elderly population that is increasing compared to other age ranges, including the problem of elderly with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Dr. Daniel Curtess, representative from the World Health Organisation’s...
06 Jan 63
Oct 10, 2019 – ThaiHealth delegation led by Dr Supreeda Adulyanont, ThaiHealth Manager; Dr Phairot Saonuam, Director of the Office of Healthy Lifestyle; and Mr Rangsan Munkong, International Relations Specialist of the Office of International Relations, participated in the 2nd round of United Nations Thematic Working Group on Non-Communicable Diseases at United Nations Office in Bangkok, Thailand. NCDs or non-communicable diseases are the number one health problem in Thailand and the world. Recently, it has been raised as an important agenda in the global economic and social development. The United Nations General Assembly convened on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases for as many as three rounds, constituting global targets and being a part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, the assembly also appointed a special an interagency task force on NCDs or UNIATF to monitor and support the implementation of works to prevent and control the spread of NCDs. For Thailand, the follow-up visit on 28-30 August 2018 issued a report and recommendation to the Royal Thai Government. To support the implementation of the said recommendations, the United Nations and the Royal Thai Government have jointly appointed a United Nations Thematic Working Group on Non-Communicable Diseases – consisting of UN executives in Thailand. representatives from the ministries and relevant government agencies (including ThaiHealth)...
27 Dec 62
Nov 19-20, 2019 – The plan for the development of international trade and health potential (International Trade and Health Programme – ITH) of the International Health Policy Programme (IHPP), in collaboration with the Committee to Support Education and Monitor International Trade Negotiations Affecting Health and Health Policies, and supporters of ITH (Public Health Ministry, World Health Organisation, ThaiHealth, National Health Commission Office, National Health Security Office, and Health Systems Research Institute) jointly organised the International Trade and Health [ITH] Conference 2019 under the theme of “International Trade and Health of ASEAN: Seeking the common ground for sustainable development goals” at Chamchuri Ballroom, Mövenpick BDMS Wellness Resort, Bangkok. More than 150 participants gathered to attend the grand event, with Ms Milin Sakornsindhu, Senior International Affairs Executive, as the event’s moderator. The issues touched in the conference was a discussion on “Building ASEAN Community: Political Economy of Trade and Health” to better understand the scenario of trade and health in the ASEAN region, including the free trade agreements and its impact on the ASEAN people’s health against economic competition. The meeting also served as a common ground for information sharing on the context of ASEAN in terms of trade and health, in order to seek a common footing in trade and health policies within the region. rn
27 Nov 62