ThaiHealth moderates “International Trade and Health of ASEAN: Seeking the common ground for sustainable development”
Nov 19-20, 2019 – The plan for the development of international trade and health potential (International Trade and Health Programme – ITH) of the International Health Policy Programme (IHPP), in collaboration with the Committee to Support Education and Monitor International Trade Negotiations Affecting Health and Health Policies, and supporters of ITH (Public Health Ministry, World Health Organisation, ThaiHealth, National Health Commission Office, National Health Security Office, and Health Systems Research Institute) jointly organised the International Trade and Health [ITH] Conference 2019 under the theme of “International Trade and Health of ASEAN: Seeking the common ground for sustainable development goals” at Chamchuri Ballroom, Mövenpick BDMS Wellness Resort, Bangkok.
More than 150 participants gathered to attend the grand event, with Ms Milin Sakornsindhu, Senior International Affairs Executive, as the event’s moderator. The issues touched in the conference was a discussion on “Building ASEAN Community: Political Economy of Trade and Health” to better understand the scenario of trade and health in the ASEAN region, including the free trade agreements and its impact on the ASEAN people’s health against economic competition. The meeting also served as a common ground for information sharing on the context of ASEAN in terms of trade and health, in order to seek a common footing in trade and health policies within the region.