From 2001 to 2011, there was a reduction in the onset of drinking behavior among Thai’s ages 15 and above decreasing from 32.7% in 2001 to 31.5% in 2011. This is related to a decreasing trend in the quantity of alcohol consumed per capita, with a reduction from 7.4 liters per capita per year in 2001 to 7.1 liters in 2011. However, there was an increase in new generation drinkers, especially females age 15 or older, from 9.8% in 2001 to 10.9% in 2011. In addition, a proportion of young drinkers (ages 15 to 19) living outside municipal areas, showed an increase in drinking behavior.
In 2003, the rate of illicit substance use decreased due to a government declaration against the war on drugs.. However, from 2007-2011 there was a marked increased in illicit substance use, with kratom leaves as the most used illicit substance.
Meanwhile, studies indicate that gambling behavior has subsided slightly with a reduction from 77.1% in 2010 to 76.5% in 2013.
Focus Areas of Plan
1) Development of Public Policies and Enforcement of Laws to Control Alcohol Consumption
Enhancing efficiency of mechanisms and standards to enforce alcohol control laws, and communication to increase public participation.
Creation of policies at the local area and province levels.
2) Development of Academic Work, News and Information Systems to Control Alcohol Consumption
Dissemination of news and information, personnel development, organization of academic conferences, and networking
Research and development on liquor tax
Research and development of assessment tools and knowledge and awareness related to alcohol control.
3) Development of Networks, Campaigns, and Public Relations to Control Alcohol Consumption
New campaigns, and measures for specific groups
Restriction on alcohol licensing, to reduce the number of alcohol retailers in pilot communities
Campaigns to promote alcohol-free festivals and events.
Proactive and continuous communication to de-normalize alcoholic beverage consumption
Capacity building for the workforce in alcohol prevention networks.
4) Support for Alternate Sponsorship in Place of the Alcohol Industry
The creation of tactics and strategies to gain alternate sponsorship at public alcohol related events.
Policy development to prevent alcohol promotion and sponsorship at public events.
Communication for alcohol-free events.
5) Development of Forms, Systems for Services to Help Individuals with Alcoholism
Development and integration of treatment for people with alcoholism.
Transfer of technology to healthcare personnel, academics, and relevant partnership networks.
Expansion of mechanisms to treat people with alcoholism.
Linkage of networks to prevent drinking and promote an anti-drinking lifestyle.
6) Reducing Gambling Problems
Development in capacity of partnership networks.
Development of monitoring mechanisms, including relevant public policies affecting gambling space and advertisements
Communication to raise social awareness about the impacts of gambling.
Knowledge development in order to skillfully monitor gambling situations.
Inclusion of gambling issues and related impacts as part of national statistical /databases.
7) Preventing and Solving Illicit Substance Problems
Establishment of an academic center for preventing and solving illicit substance problems.
Development of research and information systems.
Development of innovations in health promotion, and participation in solving and managing illicit substance use and abuse.
Capacity building for substance use partnership networks.
Create linkages between government agencies and the civil society sector.

03 August 2563
Driven by Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) since 2003, the “Buddhist Lent Alcohol Free”campaign, which aims to encourage Thai people to refrain from drinking alcohols during the three-month period of Buddhist Lent for health benefits, has become a new social tradition in Thailand. It has been 17 years since Thai Health launched the “Buddhist Lent Alcohol Free” campaign. Unlike previous years, Year 2020 is facing a new challenge of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Our lifestyle has completely changed. People are eager to take care of their health by doing exercise, self-cooking, abstaining alcohols to reduce all health risks due to severity of the pandemic situation. As prevention is simpler and easier than cure, all Thais are encouraged to stop drinking get through the COVID-19 crisis. Reducing cost: Many people have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 crisis. Refraining from alcohol beverages will enable those losing jobs to reduce cost and expenses while saving up more for other important bills and payment. Alcohol beverages are unnecessary items during the COVID-19 crisis. Being mindful: Living a mindful life is crucial especially when the COVID-19 crisis is still ongoing. In his teachings on the cultivation of Right Mindfulness, the Buddha listed the body; feeling tone of pleasant or neutral; the mind; and mental states as four objects or foundations for the practice....

31 July 2563
Thailand ranks first among the countries with the highest COVID-19 recovery index, according to a report issued by the Global COVID-19 Index (GCI). The GCI report, published on 28 July 2020, gave Thailand an index score of 82.06 from 100 points, putting it on top of the countries that have made the most progress in curtailing the spread of the pandemic and can be used as examples of best practices. In the ranking of countries by recovery index, South Korea comes second, receiving 81.09 points. Coming third is Latvia (80.81), followed by Malaysia (79.37), Taiwan (78.94), New Zealand (78.55), Lithuania (77.54), Australia (77.18), Canada (75.87), and Malta (75.79). Among the 20 countries with the highest recovery index, five are in Asia. They include Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The GCI bases 70 percent of its calculation on big data and daily analysis, ranking 184 countries on how well they are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. The remaining 30 percent consists of static scores derived from the Global Health Security Index (GHS), an initiative led by the Johns Hopkins University that was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The GHS was developed to assess a country’s readiness to cope and handle any epidemic. The GCI has been developed by PEMANDU Associates in collaboration with Malaysia’s Ministry of...

17 July 2563