ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs

Thai Health Promotion Foundation, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, and Autistic Thai Foundation, have jointly released a new set of exclusive instructional media for children with autism aiming at teaching how to take care of themselves during CoVid-19 pandemic, instructions on how to wash hands with alcohol gel, wearing face masks. A total of 4,800 copies of instructional media have been made in the form of instructional videos and flash cards and set to the network of children with special needs nationwide. The coalition also opened an IT & art academy for children with autism and children with special needs.



ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth



Speaking in an event to give away instructional media to children with autism at Autistic Thai Foundation on July 24, 2020, Mrs. Porranee Poobrasert, Director of Director, Health Promotion for Vulnerable Populations , praised the collaboration between ThaiHealth, Autistic Thai Foundation, and Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, in its hard work of creating an Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) instructional media for parents of children with autism and children with special needs to develop their communicational skills, with an aim to reduce parents’ costs of sending their children to special learning centres.



ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth

A total of 4,800 copies of visual strategies in the form of digital media and flash cards teaching how to wash hands with alcohol gel and how to wear face masks have been distributed to autistic skill centres nationwide amidst the social restrictions under CoVid-19 pandemic.

ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth


ThaiHealth is also giving support towards networks of parents of children with special needs under Bangkok Autism Parents Association in terms of boosting employment for people with special needs under principles of Universal Design Learning (UDL).


Instructions in technology-related vocational skills for people with special needs have been made in four different media – LINE stickers, website, photobooks, and short films. These media are expected to boost employment and income among people with special needs. Innovations related to recruitment and creation of jobs for people with special needs, development of social skills, strengthening of autism parents’ network have also been released.


ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth

ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth


Autistic Thai Foundation President, Mr Chusak Chanthayanont, said that the foundation is supported in many aspects by ThaiHealth in the creation of inspirational video clips, learning-from-home programmes to assist people with special needs in their quest for jobs and in their development of potential, and online/offline AAC skill development application, with cooperation from Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, True Corporation, and members of the private sector.



ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth


ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth

Photobooks and flash cards designed by autistic youth, when using alongside application, will benefit as many as 4,800 families with persons with autism nationwide in their development of movement skills, and physical activities.


ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth

ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth

ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth

ThaiHealth releases new instructional media for children with special needs thaihealth



Also present at the event were demonstrations and exhibitions of computer literacy programme, Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC), art, development of life skills, For All Coffee café, Art Story social enterprise by children with special needs and autistic society with showcases of products by the hands of children with special needs, e.g. bags, shirts, and hats.




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