Commit to abstaining from alcohol for 3 months a year during Buddhist Lent and for life, building a healthy society free from alcohol and its health risks.

ThaiHealth joined forces with the StopDrink Network Office (SNO) and the StopDrink Network Nationwide to implement the “Persuade, Help, and Encourage” strategies for alcohol abstinence during the Buddhist Lent, complementing the “Healthy Sobriety” campaign to foster a healthy society free from alcohol and its health risks.
Marking its 22nd year, ThaiHealth, SDO, and its partners have been running the Buddhist Lent Alcohol Abstinence project since 2003. The 2022 survey carried out by the Centre for Alcohol Studies (CAS) demonstrated that 17.8% of participants completely abstained from alcohol throughout the Lent period, while 19% abstained at times and reduced their drinking. Overall, 36.8%, representing 9,383,490 individual, abstained and reduced their drinking, surpassing the 2021 survey where 30.3% abstained and reduced their alcohol consumption. Based on estimates, the total number of those changing their drinking behavior during this year’s Buddhist Lent reached 10,150,994, an increase of 770,000 individuals compared to 2023. This figure consists of 5,285,940 individuals who abstained from alcohol throughout the Lent period, 2,268,696 of those who abstained occasionally, and 2,596,358 of those who did not abstain but reduced their alcohol consumption. Approximately 3,738,246 individuals were estimated to have saved money by abstaining from alcohol during this campaign, with average saving of 1,506.97 baht per person over the 3-month period, contributing to total national savings of 4,227,770,171 baht. Evidently, the 3-month alcohol abstinence initiative significantly reduces expenses and household debt while promoting family happiness, decreasing alcohol-related conflicts, and contributing to improved health.
The StopDrink Network Office (SDO) advances the alcohol abstinence during the Buddhist Lent campaign through the strategies of Persuade, Help, and Encourage of its nationwide network, with the goal of establishing alcohol-free communities throughout Thailand. Community leaders collaborate in this initiative. Specifically, “Persuade” involves inviting the public to take part in the alcohol abstinence activities during the Buddhist Lent and raising awareness about the dangers of alcohol consumption. “Help” entails supporting those joining the activities, providing advice and consultation on how to abstain from alcohol, and organizing activities to ensure sustainable abstinence among participants. “Encourage” concerns motivating them to continue abstinence activities and to inspire others to quit drinking, contributing to a society safe from alcohol-related problems. During the 3-month Buddhist Lent, the StopDrink Network throughout the country has designated areas to foster environments conducive to non-drinking and non-selling of alcoholic beverages. It also serves as a significant opportunity for the Friends against Alcohol teams at all levels to implement the Persuade, Help, and Encourage strategies for drinkers.
ThaiHealth and the SDO have expanded their efforts to develop models for addressing alcohol consumption issues within communities, such as the “Sobriety Support Community”. Currently, the StopDrink Network comprises over 7,000 members across the country. This has led to the emergence of the “Diamond Heart People” who reduce alcohol consumption during the Buddhist lent, contributing to lifelong abstinence. In 2022, 151,948 individuals took part in this initiative, saving a total of 121,784,378 baht.
The year 2023 marked a significant step in redirecting alcohol reduction efforts and promoting knowledge and awareness of the dangers of alcohol consumption to respond to the current landscape of digital media and the surrounding socioeconomic conditions. It was observed that younger generations have become increasingly liberal and seek accurate and credible information, providing them with more choices and platforms for discussions rather than prescriptive or judgmental information on behaviors. Simultaneously, alcohol sellers use digital media, social media, and various platforms for alcohol marketing. It was also noticed that the target consumers with increasing alcohol consumption are women and young people.
Considering this, the SDO has created the “Healthy Sobriety” campaign, or “Alcohol-Free, Happy Society”, envisioning a society where individuals can embrace a range of happy lifestyles without depending on external substances, especially drugs and alcoholic beverages for their happiness. The campaign is rooted in the principle that “We have a choice, and true happiness can be found without resorting to alcohol and drugs.”
In advancing and campaigning for alcohol abstinence during the Buddhist Lent in 2024, the Stop Drink Network is developing strategies to raise awareness and change attitudes, revitalizing bodies, minds, and society with the concept of a healthy and alcohol-free lifestyle, under the campaign “Season of Alcohol-Free Happiness and Buddhist Lent Abstinence”. It is targeted at young people who are likely to become new drinkers. This will be achieved by raising awareness and enhancing understanding of the dangers of alcohol through collaboration at provincial and ministerial levels. The campaign is advanced with the Persuade, Help, and Encourage strategies to foster alcohol abstinence during the Buddhist Lent and throughout life, while empowering the Diamond Heart Women group and the Diamond Heart People group with essential skills and resources.
During the 2024 Buddhist Lent, we would like to encourage individuals of all genders and ages to seize the 3-month period to embark on a journey of alcohol abstinence, with the ultimate goal of reducing and quitting alcoholic beverages for life.